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DNS HOWTO: A simple domain. Next Previous Contents

4. A simple domain.

How to set up your own domain.

4.1 But first some dry theory

Before we really start this section I'm going to serve you some theory on and an example of how DNS works. And you're going to read it because it's good for you. If you don't want to you should at least skim it very quickly. Stop skimming when you get to what should go in your named.conf file.

DNS is a hierarchical, tree structured, system. The top is written `.' and pronounced `root'. Under . there are a number of Top Level Domains (TLDs), the best known ones are ORG, COM, EDU and NET, but there are many more. Just like a tree it has a root and it branches out. If you have any computer science background you will recognize DNS as a search tree, and you will be able to find nodes, leaf nodes and edges.

When looking for a machine the query proceeds recursively into the hierarchy starting at the top. If you want to find out the address of prep.ai.mit.edu your name server has to find a name server that serves edu. It asks a . server (it already knows the . servers, that's what the root.hints file is for), the . server gives a list of edu servers:

$ nslookup
Default Server:  localhost

Start asking a root server:

> server c.root-servers.net.
Default Server:  c.root-servers.net

Set the Query type to NS (name server records):

> set q=ns

Ask about edu:

> edu.

The trailing . here is significant, it tells nslookup we're asking that edu is right under . (and not under any of our search domains, it speeds the search).

edu     nameserver = A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =

This tells us that all ROOT-SERVERS.NET servers serves EDU., so we can go on asking any of them. We'll continue asking C. Now we want to know who serves the next level of the domain name: mit.edu.:

> mit.edu.
Server:  c.root-servers.net

Non-authoritative answer:
mit.edu nameserver = W20NS.mit.edu
mit.edu nameserver = BITSY.mit.edu
mit.edu nameserver = STRAWB.mit.edu

Authoritative answers can be found from:
W20NS.mit.edu   internet address =
BITSY.mit.edu   internet address =
STRAWB.mit.edu  internet address =

steawb, w20ns and bitsy all serves mit.edu, we select one and inquire about the name one more level up: ai.mit.edu:

> server W20NS.mit.edu.

Host names are not case sensitive, but I use my mouse to cut and paste so it gets copied as-is from the screen.

Server:  W20NS.mit.edu

> ai.mit.edu.
Server:  W20NS.mit.edu

Non-authoritative answer:
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = ALPHA-BITS.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = GRAPE-NUTS.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = TRIX.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = MUESLI.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = LIFE.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = BEET-CHEX.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = MINI-WHEATS.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = COUNT-CHOCULA.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = MINTAKA.LCS.MIT.EDU

Authoritative answers can be found from:
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = ALPHA-BITS.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = GRAPE-NUTS.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = TRIX.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = MUESLI.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = LIFE.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = BEET-CHEX.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = MINTAKA.LCS.MIT.EDU
ALPHA-BITS.AI.MIT.EDU   internet address =
GRAPE-NUTS.AI.MIT.EDU   internet address =
TRIX.AI.MIT.EDU internet address =
MUESLI.AI.MIT.EDU       internet address =
LIFE.AI.MIT.EDU internet address =
BEET-CHEX.AI.MIT.EDU    internet address =
MINI-WHEATS.AI.MIT.EDU  internet address =
COUNT-CHOCULA.AI.MIT.EDU        internet address =
MINTAKA.LCS.MIT.EDU     internet address =

So museli.ai.mit.edu is a nameserver for ai.mit.edu:

Default Server:  MUESLI.AI.MIT.EDU

Now I change query type, we've found the name server so now we're going to ask about everything wheaties knows about prep.ai.mit.edu.

> set q=any
> prep.ai.mit.edu.

prep.ai.mit.edu CPU = dec/decstation-5000.25    OS = unix
        inet address =, protocol = tcp
          ftp  telnet  smtp  finger
prep.ai.mit.edu preference = 1, mail exchanger = gnu-life.ai.mit.edu
prep.ai.mit.edu internet address =
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = beet-chex.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = alpha-bits.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = mini-wheats.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = trix.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = muesli.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = count-chocula.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = mintaka.lcs.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = life.ai.mit.edu
gnu-life.ai.mit.edu     internet address =
beet-chex.ai.mit.edu    internet address =
alpha-bits.ai.mit.edu   internet address =
mini-wheats.ai.mit.edu  internet address =
trix.ai.mit.edu internet address =
muesli.ai.mit.edu       internet address =
count-chocula.ai.mit.edu        internet address =
mintaka.lcs.mit.edu     internet address =
life.ai.mit.edu internet address =

So starting at . we found the successive name servers for the each level in the domain name. If you had used your own DNS server instead of using all those other servers, your named would of-course cache all the information it found while digging this out for you, and it would not have to ask again for a while.

In the tree analogue each ``.'' in the name is a branching point. And each part between the ``.''s are the names of individual branches in the tree.

We climb the tree by taking the name we want (prep.ai.mit.edu) first finding the root (.) and then looking for the next branch to climb, in this case edu. Once we have found it we climb it by switching to the server that knows about that part of the name. Next we look for the mit branch over the edu branch (the combined name is mit.edu) and climb it by switching to a server that knows about mit.edu. Again we look for the next branch, it's ai.mit.edu and again we switch to the server that knows about it. Now we have arrived at the right server, at the right branching point. The last part is finding prep.ai.mit.edu, which is simple. In computer science we usually call prep a leaf on the tree.

A much less talked about, but just as important domain is in-addr.arpa. It too is nested like the `normal' domains. in-addr.arpa allows us to get the hosts name when we have its address. A important thing here is to note that ip addresses are written in reverse order in the in-addr.arpa domain. If you have the address of a machine: named proceeds just like for the prep.ai.mit.edu example: find arpa. servers. Find in-addr.arpa. servers, find 192.in-addr.arpa. servers, find 128.192.in-addr.arpa. servers, find 52.128.192.in-addr.arpa. servers. Find needed records for Clever huh? (Say `yes'.) The reversion of the numbers can be confusing for years though.

I have just told a lie. DNS does not work precisely the way I just told you. But it's close enough.

4.2 Our own domain

Now to define our own domain. We're going to make the domain linux.bogus and define machines in it. I use a totally bogus domain name to make sure we disturb no-one Out There.

One more thing before we start: Not all characters are allowed in host names. We're restricted to the characters of the English alphabet: a-z, and numbers: 0-9 and the character '-' (dash). Keep to those characters. Upper and lower-case characters are the same for DNS, so pat.uio.no is identical to Pat.UiO.No.

We've already started this part with this line in named.conf:

zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "pz/127.0.0";

Please note the lack of `.' at the end of the domain names in this file. This says that now we will define the zone 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa, that we're the master server for it and that it is stored in a file called pz/127.0.0. We've already set up this file, it reads:

@               IN      SOA     ns.linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                                1       ; Serial
                                8H      ; Refresh
                                2H      ; Retry
                                1W      ; Expire
                                1D)     ; Minimum TTL
                        NS      ns.linux.bogus.
1                       PTR     localhost.

Please note the `.' at the end of all the full domain names in this file, in contrast to the named.conf file above. Some people like to start each zone file with a $ORIGIN directive, but this is superfluous. The origin (where in the DNS hierarchy it belongs) of a zone file is specified in the zone section of the named.conf file, in this case it's 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.

This `zone file' contains 3 `resource records' (RRs): A SOA RR. A NS RR and a PTR RR. SOA is short for Start Of Authority. The `@' is a special notation meaning the origin, and since the `domain' column for this file says 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa the first line really means

0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.   IN      SOA ...

NS is the Name Server RR. There is no '@' at the start of this line, it is implicit since the last line started with a '@'. Saves some typing that. So the NS line could also be written

0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.   IN      NS      ns.linux.bogus

It tells DNS what machine is the name server of the domain 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa, it is ns.linux.bogus. 'ns' is a customary name for name-servers, but as with web servers who are customarily named www.something the name may be anything.

And finally the PTR record says that the host at address 1 in the subnet 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa, i.e., is named localhost.

The SOA record is the preamble to all zone files, and there should be exactly one in each zone file. It describes the zone, where it comes from (a machine called ns.linux.bogus), who is responsible for its contents (hostmaster@linux.bogus, you should insert your e-mail address here), what version of the zone file this is (serial: 1), and other things having to do with caching and secondary DNS servers. For the rest of the fields (refresh, retry, expire and minimum) use the numbers used in this HOWTO and you should be safe.

Now restart your named (the command is ndc restart) and use nslookup to examine what you've done:

$ nslookup

Default Server:  localhost

Server:  localhost

Name:    localhost

so it manages to get localhost from, good. Now for our main task, the linux.bogus domain, insert a new 'zone' section in named.conf:

zone "linux.bogus" {
        notify no;
        type master;
        file "pz/linux.bogus";

Note again the lack of ending `.' on the domain name in the named.conf file.

In the linux.bogus zone file we'll put some totally bogus data:

; Zone file for linux.bogus
; The full zone file
@       IN      SOA     ns.linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                        199802151       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                        8H              ; refresh, seconds
                        2H              ; retry, seconds
                        1W              ; expire, seconds
                        1D )            ; minimum, seconds
                NS      ns              ; Inet Address of name server
                MX      10 mail.linux.bogus     ; Primary Mail Exchanger
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.   ; Secondary Mail Exchanger
localhost       A
ns              A
mail            A

Two things must be noted about the SOA record. ns.linux.bogus must be a actual machine with a A record. It is not legal to have a CNAME record for he machine mentioned in the SOA record. It's name need not be `ns', it could be any legal host name. Next, hostmaster.linux.bogus should be read as hostmaster@linux.bogus, this should be a mail alias, or a mailbox, where the person(s) maintaining DNS should read mail frequently. Any mail regarding the domain will be sent to the address listed here. The name need not be `hostmaster', it can be your normal e-mail address, but the e-mail address `hostmaster' is often expected to work as well.

There is one new RR type in this file, the MX, or Mail eXchanger RR. It tells mail systems where to send mail that is addressed to someone@linux.bogus, namely too mail.linux.bogus or mail.friend.bogus. The number before each machine name is that MX RRs priority. The RR with the lowest number (10) is the one mail should be sent to if possible. If that fails the mail can be sent to one with a higher number, a secondary mail handler, i.e., mail.friend.bogus which has priority 20 here.

Restart named by running ndc restart. Examine the results with nslookup:

$ nslookup
> set q=any
> linux.bogus
Server:  localhost

        origin = ns.linux.bogus
        mail addr = hostmaster.linux.bogus
        serial = 199802151
        refresh = 28800 (8 hours)
        retry   = 7200 (2 hours)
        expire  = 604800 (7 days)
        minimum ttl = 86400 (1 day)
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.linux.bogus
linux.bogus     preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.linux.bogus.linux.bogus
linux.bogus     preference = 20, mail exchanger = mail.friend.bogus
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.linux.bogus
ns.linux.bogus  internet address =
mail.linux.bogus        internet address =

Upon careful examination you will discover a bug. The line

linux.bogus     preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.linux.bogus.linux.bogus

is all wrong. It should be

linux.bogus     preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.linux.bogus

I deliberately made a mistake so you could learn from it :-) Looking in the zone file we find that the line

                MX      10 mail.linux.bogus     ; Primary Mail Exchanger

is missing a period. Or has a 'linux.bogus' too many. If a machine name does not end in a period in a zone file the origin is added to its end causing the double linux.bogus.linux.bogus. So either

                MX      10 mail.linux.bogus.    ; Primary Mail Exchanger


                MX      10 mail                 ; Primary Mail Exchanger

is correct. I prefer the latter form, it's less to type. There are some bind experts that disagree, and some that agree with this. In a zone file the domain should either be written out and ended with a `.' or it should not be included at all, in which case it defaults to the origin.

I must stress that in the named.conf file there should not be `.'s after the domain names. You have no idea how many times a `.' too many or few have fouled up things and confused the h*ll out of people.

So having made my point here is the new zone file, with some extra information in it as well:

; Zone file for linux.bogus
; The full zone file
@       IN      SOA     ns.linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                        199802151       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                        8H              ; refresh, seconds
                        2H              ; retry, seconds
                        1W              ; expire, seconds
                        1D )            ; minimum, seconds
                TXT     "Linux.Bogus, your DNS consultants"
                NS      ns              ; Inet Address of name server
                NS      ns.friend.bogus.
                MX      10 mail         ; Primary Mail Exchanger
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus. ; Secondary Mail Exchanger

localhost       A

gw              A
                HINFO   "Cisco" "IOS"
                TXT     "The router"

ns              A
                MX      10 mail
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.
                HINFO   "Pentium" "Linux 2.0"
www             CNAME   ns

donald          A
                MX      10 mail
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.
                HINFO   "i486"  "Linux 2.0"
                TXT     "DEK"

mail            A
                MX      10 mail
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.
                HINFO   "386sx" "Linux 1.2"

ftp             A
                MX      10 mail
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.
                HINFO   "P6" "Linux 2.1.86"

There are a number of new RRs here: HINFO (Host INFOrmation) has two parts, it's a good habit to quote each. The first part is the hardware or CPU on the machine, and the second part the software or OS on the machine. The machine called 'ns' has a Pentium CPU and runs Linux 2.0. CNAME (Canonical NAME) is a way to give each machine several names. So www is an alias for ns.

CNAME record usage is a bit controversial. But it's safe to follow the rule that a MX, CNAME or SOA record should never refer to a CNAME record, they should only refer to something with a A record, so it is inadvisable to have

foobar          CNAME   www                     ; NO!

but correct to have

foobar          CNAME   ns                      ; Yes!

It's also safe to assume that a CNAME is not a legal host name for a e-mail address: webmaster@www.linux.bogus is an illegal e-mail address given the setup above. You can expect quite a few mail admins Out There to enforce this rule even if it works for you. The way to avoid this is to use A records (and perhaps some others too, like a MX record) instead:

www             A

A number of the arch-bind-wizards, recommend not using CNAME at all. But the discussion of why or why not is beyond this HOWTO.

But as you see, this HOWTO and many sites does not follow this rule.

Load the new database by running ndc reload, this causes named to read its files again.

$ nslookup
Default Server:  localhost

> ls -d linux.bogus

This means that all records should be listed. It results in this:

$ORIGIN linux.bogus.
@                       1D IN SOA       ns hostmaster (
                                        199802151       ; serial
                                        8H              ; refresh
                                        2H              ; retry
                                        1W              ; expiry
                                        1D )            ; minimum

                        1D IN NS        ns
                        1D IN NS        ns.friend.bogus.
                        1D IN TXT       "Linux.Bogus, your DNS consultants"
                        1D IN MX        10 mail
                        1D IN MX        20 mail.friend.bogus.
gw                      1D IN A
                        1D IN HINFO     "Cisco" "IOS"
                        1D IN TXT       "The router"
mail                    1D IN A
                        1D IN MX        10 mail
                        1D IN MX        20 mail.friend.bogus.
                        1D IN HINFO     "386sx" "Linux 1.0.9"
localhost               1D IN A
www                     1D IN CNAME     ns
donald                  1D IN A
                        1D IN MX        10 mail
                        1D IN MX        20 mail.friend.bogus.
                        1D IN HINFO     "i486" "Linux 1.2"
                        1D IN TXT       "DEK"
ftp                     1D IN A
                        1D IN MX        10 mail
                        1D IN MX        20 mail.friend.bogus.
                        1D IN HINFO     "P6" "Linux 1.3.59"
ns                      1D IN A
                        1D IN MX        10 mail
                        1D IN MX        20 mail.friend.bogus.
                        1D IN HINFO     "Pentium" "Linux 1.2"

That's good. As you see it looks a lot like the zone file itself. Let's check what it says for www alone:

> set q=any
> www.linux.bogus.
Server:  localhost

www.linux.bogus canonical name = ns.linux.bogus
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.linux.bogus
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.friend.bogus
ns.linux.bogus  internet address =

In other words, the real name of www.linux.bogus is ns.linux.bogus, and it gives you some of the information it has about ns as well, enough to connect to it if you were a program.

Now we're halfway.

4.3 The reverse zone

Now programs can convert the names in linux.bogus to addresses which they can connect to. But also required is a reverse zone, one making DNS able to convert from an address to a name. This name is used buy a lot of servers of different kinds (FTP, IRC, WWW and others) to decide if they want to talk to you or not, and if so, maybe even how much priority you should be given. For full access to all services on the Internet a reverse zone is required.

Put this in named.conf:

zone "196.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
        notify no;
        type master;
        file "pz/192.168.196";

This is exactly as with the 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa, and the contents are similar:

@       IN      SOA     ns.linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                        199802151 ; Serial, todays date + todays serial
                        8H      ; Refresh
                        2H      ; Retry
                        1W      ; Expire
                        1D)     ; Minimum TTL
                NS      ns.linux.bogus.

1               PTR     gw.linux.bogus.
2               PTR     ns.linux.bogus.
3               PTR     donald.linux.bogus.
4               PTR     mail.linux.bogus.
5               PTR     ftp.linux.bogus.

Now you restart your named (ndc restart) and examine your work with nslookup again:

Server:  localhost

Name:    mail.linux.bogus

so, it looks OK, dump the whole thing to examine that too:

> ls -d 196.168.192.in-addr.arpa
$ORIGIN 196.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
@                       1D IN SOA       ns.linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                                        199802151       ; serial
                                        8H              ; refresh
                                        2H              ; retry
                                        1W              ; expiry
                                        1D )            ; minimum

                        1D IN NS        ns.linux.bogus.
1                       1D IN PTR       gw.linux.bogus.
2                       1D IN PTR       ns.linux.bogus.
3                       1D IN PTR       donald.linux.bogus.
4                       1D IN PTR       mail.linux.bogus.
5                       1D IN PTR       ftp.linux.bogus.
@                       1D IN SOA       ns.linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                                        199802151       ; serial
                                        8H              ; refresh
                                        2H              ; retry
                                        1W              ; expiry
                                        1D )            ; minimum

Looks good! If your output didn't look like that look for error-messages in your syslog, I explained how to do that at the very beginning of this chapter.

4.4 Words of caution

There are some things I should add here. The IP numbers used in the examples above are taken from one of the blocks of 'private nets', i.e., they are not allowed to be used publicly on the internet. So they are safe to use in an example in a HOWTO. The second thing is the notify no; line. It tells named not to notify its secondary (slave) servers when it has gotten a update to one of its zone files. In bind-8 the named can notify the other servers listed in NS records in the zone file when a zone is updated. This is handy for ordinary use, but for private experiments with zones this feature should be off, we don't want the experiment to pollute the Internet do we?

And, of course, this domain is highly bogus, and so are all the addresses in it. For a real example of a real-life domain see the next main-section.

4.5 Why reverse lookups don't work.

There are a couple of ``gotchas'' that normally are avoided with name lookups that are often seen when setting up reverse zones. Before you go on you need reverse lookups of your machines working on your own nameserver. If it isn't go back and fix it before continuing.

I will discuss two failures of reverse lookups as seen from outside your network:

The reverse zone isn't delegated.

When you ask a service provider for a network-address range and a domain name the domain name is normally delegated as a matter of course. A delegation is the glue NS record that helps you get from one nameserver to another as explained in the dry theory section above. You read that, right? If your reverse zone dosn't work go back and read it. Now.

The reverse zone also needs to be delegated. If you got the 192.168.196 net with the linux.bogus domain from your provider they need to put NS records in for your reverse zone as well as for your forward zone. If you follow the chain from in-addr.arpa and up to your net you will probably find a break in the chain. Most probably at your service provider. Having found the break in the chain contact your service-provider and ask them to correct the error.

You've got a classless subnet

This is a somewhat advanced topic, but classless subnets are very common these days and you probably have one unless you're a medium sized company.

A classless subnet is what keeps the Internet going these days. Some years ago there was much ado about the shortage of ip numbers. The smart people in IETF (the Internet Engineering Task Force, they keep the Internet working) stuck their heads together and solved the problem. At a price. The price is that you'll get less than a ``C'' subnet and some things may break. Please see Ask Mr. DNS at http://www.acmebw.com/askmrdns/00007.htm for an good explanation of this and how to handle it.

Did you read it? I'm not going to explain it so please read it.

The first part of the problem is that your ISP must understand the technique described by Mr. DNS. Not all small ISPs have a working understanding of this. If so you might have to explain to them and be persistent. But be sure you understand it first ;-). They will then set up a nice reverse zone at their server which you can examine for correctness with nslookup.

The second and last part of the problem is that you must understand the technique. If you're unsure go back and read about it again. Then you can set up your own classless reverse zone as described by Mr. DNS.

There is another trap lurking here. Old resolvers will not be able to follow the CNAME trick in the resolving chain and will fail to reverse-resolve your machine. This can result in the service assigning it an incorrect access class, deny access or something along those lines. If you stumble into such a service the only solution (that I know of) is for your ISP to insert your PTR record directly into their trick classless zone file instead of the trick CNAME record.

Some ISPs will offer other ways to handle this, like Web based forms for you to input your reverse-mappings in or other automagical systems.

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