TCP Tunnels, Where =
University and=20
Security Policy Breaks Down Problem: TCP Tunnels are = circumventing=20 University policy restrictions. Port restrictions on our firewall = edge=20 device had been blocking outbound Napster and similar file sharing = services. Now the word on TCP Tunneling is spreading among users = and is=20 providing them with unauthorized Internet file sharing, and = potentially=20 giving hackers a backdoor to our private network. Situation: Our University does = not have an=20 official written policy against Napster or Napster like Internet = file=20 sharing programs, however we have not opened the associated ports = on our=20 firewall to allow default access. The reason for this is fear. = Fear of the=20 uproar from the students if we officially blocked Napster. Fear = that if=20 Napster were allowed to run freely on our campus the network would = grind=20 to a halt. Collision domain would collide and our Internet = connection=20 would seize. This University has no desire to become a sensor on = how the=20 Internet is used, but at the same time we feel some responsibility = to=20 provide reliable consistent access for students educational = endeavors.=20 Background Information: For the = past=20 several years the University has provided desktop computers in = every dorm=20 room. The total number of University owned PCs on campus is = quickly=20 approaching 4000. There are no restrictions on students adding = their own=20 PCs to the network. Our Internet connection is currently a = throttled=20 10Mb/s on an OC3 line. This can be quickly opened to 45Mb/s if = there is=20 justification and someone is willing to pay the additional = tariffs.=20 Several years ago we were a 12 class C network desperately trying = to=20 figure out how to keep 4000 computers on the Internet with only = 3000 or so=20 IP address. We also had several unauthorized servers on campus = providing=20 Web, Ftp, Telnet, etc. to the Internet. There were even cases of = former=20 students leaving connected servers running commercial web = applications in=20 dorm rooms of friends. Why not, the University was proving free = Internet=20 access. Even with a policy against student servers no one was = attempting=20 to enforce it. One way identified to help curb these problems was = to=20 install a firewall. Firewalls and Universities are kind = of like=20 trying to mix oil and water. The University’s faculty will = maintain that=20 open access is necessary for research and educational endeavors. = The=20 student’s will insist it is their constitutional right under = the first=20 amendment to do what ever they want. In the end networking people = have an=20 uphill battle. Convincing all interested parties that it’s = necessary to=20 spend tens of thousands of dollars funding a project that = conflicts with=20 the faculty and student’s opinions isn’t easy. For = this University it took=20 outside influences to finally make a commitment to a firewall = project.=20 Along came the FBI, remember those = unauthorized=20 servers. Apparently some of those servers were used to bounce = attacks at=20 some high profile sites out on the Internet. The FBI promptly = introduced=20 the terms Firewall and Network Security to the University’s=20 decision-makers. Still nothing was done, no budgets were created, = almost=20 no reaction at all, but the idea was rolled around. This new = concept=20 called Network Security might be worth looking into, sometime, = maybe=20 later? Then came the Audit, the auditors took a look around and = said, how=20 are you protecting your mission critical data, students grades, = protecting=20 everyone’s privacy? How are you keeping the bad people out = there on the=20 Internet from connecting to your data systems? How are you keeping = students form accessing sensitive data? Where are your=20 firewalls? The Networking Staff had already = done extensive=20 research into firewalls and network security in general. We knew = that we=20 could use NAT (Network Address Translation) sometimes referred to = as IP=20 masquerading, to solve our IP shortage.(1) We would simply use a = single=20 external IP address and a class A private internal address scheme. = We=20 would use the private or non-routable class A network = with over=20 16 million IP addresses on our private network. Non-routable IP = addresses=20 are covered under RFC 1597.(2) With more than enough IP addresses = to go=20 around and the added security of a non-Internet routable address = set to=20 boot. The only down side to NAT would prove to be a requirement = from our=20 state funded ISP to log every connection to the Internet, ouch! = They=20 understandably want to retain the ability to collect forensic = evidence in=20 the event some unscrupulous University user were to attack an = Internet=20 site without proper authorization. Students are often very = surprised to=20 hear that the first amendment does not protect them from their own = malicious activities over the Internet. Unfortunately our = connection logs=20 are one to two gigabytes almost daily. This means to keep logs for = 30 days=20 we need somewhere between 40 and 60 gigabytes of active storage. = Permanent=20 storage is an even bigger problem, maybe no one will ask for last = month’s=20 logs. Installing a firewall would help us = prevent=20 External Hosts (People on the Internet) from connecting to servers = setup=20 by students on the private network. It should be noted that we did = have an=20 IT staff member setup a Linux box that was hacked from the = Internet, then=20 used to leapfrog an attack to another high profile web site(so the = students aren’t always to blame). That site graciously = called the FBI on=20 us, that was our second visit, actually I think they just called = this=20 time. By not allowing external hosts to initiate connections to = computers=20 on the private network, we believed we would be protecting our = Internal=20 users form the big bad Internet, and preventing unauthorized use = of our=20 Internet connection. Building on the concept of a Layered Defense, = (for=20 those of us in plausible denial, "a defense in depth") there are = two=20 mechanisms that we believed would prevent an External to Internal=20 connection. The first being NAT, it is literally impossible = (assuming all=20 routers in the hop across the Internet are configured correctly) = to=20 connect to a computer on our Private network via its IP = address.=20 Even if an intruder somehow knew the IP address of one of the PCs = on our=20 private network the first router on the Internet the Hacker hit = would drop=20 the packet. With a NAT/Firewall, from the External network’s = point of view=20 all 4000 computers appear to have the same IP address. So if a = Hacker were=20 to attempt to connect to a PC on the Private network using the = External IP=20 address of the NAT/Firewall they would simply get dropped. The=20 NAT/Firewall would not know which of the 4000 Private PCs it was = supposed=20 to forward the packets to, so it gets rid of it. The second is the = rule=20 base or policy list on the Firewall. If the rules say don’t = allow External=20 hosts to connect to Private hosts it won’t let them. TCP = Tunneling has=20 proven to defeat both of our Layered Defenses. For the most part when you install = a proxy type=20 firewall its default configuration has all TCP and UDP ports = blocked. I=20 have often heard this referred to as, "What’s not explicitly = allowed is=20 denied." All of the software firewall products I have used = followed this=20 simple rule. Our University policy for port opening = reads:
TCP Tunneling: There has been = much said=20 about the legal ramifications of passing copyrighted material = within=20 Napster’s community and its associated software. Eventually = the courts=20 will decide whether or not Napster will be allowed to conduct = business as=20 it has from its inception. The Internet has long been an effective = means=20 of stealing intellectual property. Crackers and Hackers have had a = long=20 history of disregarding copyright laws, Napster is seams is just a = means=20 to that end. I think in the end it will come down to whether = Napster=20 knowingly allows its users to break copyright laws, and I = don’t see how=20 they can’t. The University quite frankly, just wants to = protect its=20 bandwidth, therefore no Napster. What is Napster up to? From behind = our=20 firewall, from a technical perspective, not much, that is until = you=20 tunnel. I used the command ‘netstat –a –n = 1’ at a DOS prompt to watch what=20 connections and ports were active during a Napster session. = Netstat with a=20 ‘–a’ will display the active connections, = ‘-n’ will keep the application=20 from trying to resolve Foreign (IP) Address to a Domain Name, and = the ‘1’=20 is the number of seconds till the data is refreshed. Napster v2.0 = BATA 7=20 first makes a connection to SYN_SENT then=20 SYN_SENT.(3) Because our firewall does not = have a=20 port open for 8875 TCP the first SYN to gets no = response. So=20 the Napster program sends a second SYN to on the same = port,=20 this also gets to the firewall and is dropped. Napster apparently = gives up=20 and prompts the user with an, "Unable to Connect to Server!" = message.=20 Note: I have found that Napster has several IP addresses within = the=20 address space that they use for connections, so if you = try=20 this you may get slightly different results. For a longtime this = has been=20 sufficient to discourage users at our University from using = Napster and=20 freeing us from potential bandwidth problems not to mention legal = issues.=20 We are sort of taking the easy way out. By not having an official = policy=20 against Napster we haven’t come under any scrutiny for = censuring web=20 sites, and Napster did not work. Rumor has it that our students have = figured out=20 a way around the closed port 8875 policy and are now readily using = Napster. It looks like the majority of our growing Napster users = are using=20 a TCP Tunnel to circumvent the blocked 8875 port. I ran the = ‘netstat –a –n=20 1’ command at a DOS prompt then started the HTTP-Tunnel = Client v2.3.1587=20 (Beta), I downloaded from their site.(4) It clams to be free but = never the=20 less relentlessly splashes banners. The first thing I noticed is = that=20 Netstat showed several connections to Foreign Addresses via port = 80 TCP.=20 One of the connections looked like the one HTTP-Tunnel Client was = using to=20 connect to its server on the Internet, TCP. I = did a=20 Tracert to this address and found its DNS entry to be=20, not what I expected. I stopped the tunnel = then=20 started it again, same result. I wonder if they know they have = been coded=20 into this application. To get Napster to use the = HTTP-Tunnel Client=20 you must configure Napster’s Preferences. Within the Napster = application=20 select the proxy tab. Set the proxy type to ‘SOCKS5’, = Proxy IP to=20 ‘’, the port to ‘1080’, and = select ‘Download files through=20 proxy.’ With the HTTP-Tunnel running I started a connection = with Napster.=20 Watching ‘netstat –a –n 1’ I saw a new = series of port activity; Foreign=20 Address of TCP, a Local Address of = TCP to=20 a Foreign Address of TCP and another on 1771 TCP, a = Local=20 Address of TCP to a Foreign Address of = TCP.=20 Meanwhile the HTTP-Tunnel Client shows that it is establishing a=20 connection with (Napster). Connection = Flowcharts: Normal Napster, behind our = Firewall; =20
Napster via the = HTTP-Tunnel; SOCKS5: SOCKS5 is an = application offered by=20 NEC Inc. marketed interestingly enough as a firewall.(5) The = following is=20 an excerpt from NEC’s FAQ page. (Grammatical mistakes are on = NEC’s part, I=20 am sure I have my own)
I find myself asking the question, = "Why is=20 their firewall defeating my firewall." SOCKS, simply allows you to = send=20 all port traffic through one designated port. SOCKS, is similar to = a VPN=20 connection without encryption (planed for the next version). In = our case=20 SOCKS appears to be built into the HTTP-Tunnel, however = HTTP-Tunnel may=20 have its own proprietary code that acts very similar to SOCKS. = Here is how=20 it works, HTTP-Tunnel is installed and running, Napster is = configured to=20 use SOCKS5 as its proxy server with an IP address of = port 1080=20 TCP. HTTP-Tunnel listens to port 1080, picks up the packets sent = to=20 then forwards them to the HTTP-Tunnel Server out on the = Internet=20 via port 80. Once the HTTP-Tunnel client/server relationship is=20 established anyone within the Napster community will have file = access to=20 this computer. Theoretically that access is restricted to the = folders the=20 user has identified in the Napster preferences. Conclusion: What this means = is our=20 current policy of blocking applications via their TCP/UDP port is=20 beginning to look futile (that probably wont surprise anyone). = We’ve had=20 suspicions this was possible when we installed the firewall, but = chose to=20 ignore the problem until it became an issue. We dream someday of = having=20 the time and money to be proactive, but for now reactive is the = norm. When=20 Napster was still fairly new I was able to open a port other than=20 Napster’s default 8875, connect to a proxy server than = connect to Napster.=20 The port I opened on the firewall was something like 1750/TCP. I = don’t=20 remember the specifics, but the point is that we knew tunneling = through=20 the Firewall was possible early on. At a minimum we decided never = to open=20 1750. Immediately I suspected it would only be a matter of time = before=20 either Napster changed their software or someone would develop a = proxy=20 server that used port 80 to tunnel through. Unfortunately it = happened, and=20 the students have figured it out. If you read between the lines there = is a bigger=20 problem than Napster. What if a student has setup a = Napster/HTTP-Tunnel,=20 and someone on the External network uses one of these as a = backdoor to=20 your Private network. How could they do this? Maybe disguise a=20 back-orifice client as an MP3 file. Napster has a routine that = only allows=20 MP3/WMAs to pass through the community, so you would need to be = creative.=20 After the host MP3 is downloaded and played the executed = back-orifice=20 sends a short message to its server via port 80 or even the = existing=20 HTTP-Tunnel running on that computer. The back-orifice server = responds and=20 your private network is compromised. There may even be a way to = use the=20 HTTP-Tunnel directly to gain access to the Private network, = perhaps an=20 unscrupulous HTTP-Tunnel server operator. There is another = Internet=20 application GNUTELLA, that maybe a much greater risk. Sort of a = Napster,=20 HTTP-Tunnel, VPN solution all raped into one easy to use free = application,=20 but that’s another paper. Will we finally ban Napster at this = University?=20 Will we ban Tunnels? I think the tunnels are far more serious than = the=20 potential bandwidth problem associated with Napster. We are = currently=20 looking at setting up prioritization rules for traffic passing = through our=20 Cisco routers on both sides of our firewall. I strongly believe = that to=20 truly secure a network every aspect of that network must be under = control.=20 Computers would have a fixed load-set that could not be changed by = the end=20 user. The Internet would be accessible, however applications would = not be=20 downloadable. Only computers authorized on the network would be = connected=20 to the network. There are reasonable technologies and methods for=20 implement this, however this does not fit the end users = expectations,=20 especially at a University. Our users would rather do what they = care and=20 have someone else consider the risks. As for TCP Tunnel servers = using=20 ports you can’t block like port 80, find them, find them = all, and block=20 there IP addresses. Just remember to add this to your network = security=20 policy. References = 1. http://www.=,=20 K. Egevang, P. Francis, May 1994 2. tes/rfc1597.txt,=20 Y. Rekhter, B. Moskowitz, D. Karrenberg, G. de Groot, March=20 1994 3. http://, = Napster,=20 Copyright 2000 Napster Inc. 4. ewpage/icqp.htm,=20 HTTP-Tunnel, Copyright I-SIGHT Design 2000. 5. socksfaq.html,=20 NEC, Copyright=20 1996-1999, NEC USA, Inc. |